Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium is money allocated to schools that the school can use to support certain groups of children. The money is allocated directly to the school and the school, governors and sometimes parents decide how this money is best spent. Children who are eligible to access the Pupil Premium money include: children who have Free School Meals (FSM), Looked After Children and children who have parents who are serving in the armed forces.
What is the aim of Pupil Premium?
Pupil Premium aims to narrow and eventually close the attainment gap between the children who qualify for Pupil Premium and those children who do not qualify. At Brookdale Primary School, we firmly believe that every child should attain, achieve and ultimately succeed. We use Pupil Premium to support our Pupil Premium Children so that they have every chance of success, regardless of their background; their background should not be a barrier to their development and future success.
The pupil premium strategy is reviewed termly with governors.