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Together we Believe, Progress, Succeed


Assessment at Brookdale

Teachers use assessments to gain an overview of what each child already understands in each subject area and to identify their next steps in order to progress further; this information will inform teachers' planning for each subject area. 
Teachers' assessment takes a variety of forms including:
  • Observation (listening to / watching pupils undertaking independent activities)
  • Direct Questioning
  • Marking / Feedback from daily tasks completed in lessons
  • Small group work
  • One to one work with pupils
  • Pre and post-learning tasks
  • Formal assessments at the end of each unit of work
  • Pupil self-assessment and peer-assessment

Following the removal of National Curriculum Levels in 2015, children’s attainment is now recorded at the end of KS1 and KS2 in relation to age-related expectations. 

At Brookdale, teachers assess pupils against the National Curriculum objectives for their year group using the terms ‘Below, Woking Towards, Expected and Greater Depth’:

Below – Your child is not yet working within age-related expectations.

Working Towards – Your child is working at the beginning stages of the expectations for their year group.

Expected – Your child is working at the expected level for their year group.

Greater Depth – Your child has achieved all the objectives for their year group and is able to independently demonstrate a deep understanding; applying their knowledge in a variety of contexts.

Teachers closely monitor pupils' progress: pupils making slower progress will be offered rapid intervention in order to support them, ensuring that they achieve their full potential.
Our most able pupils are challenged through a broadening and deepening of their understanding of the national curriculum objectives for their year group rather than simply moving on to the next year group's programme of study.
See an explanation of this from Tim Oates, Chair of the expert panel which informed the review of the National Curriculum from 2010 - 2013:

School-Based Tests
Teachers assess pupils in a variety of ways, including formal testing. In the files section below, you can see the internal assessments used at Brookdale in each year group in the file entitles SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT TESTS.

National Tests
At the end of key stages of learning, children complete national tests - these are completed by pupils in every school in England:


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