School Council
Our school council are voted in by their fellow pupils. They act as representatives for each of the year groups. They meet with Mrs Knapton and Mrs Ball to discuss a range of issues within school. We currently have 12 children on our school council representing children in KS1 and KS2.
Minutes of our meetings are available in files at the bottom of this page and are available on the School Council display board.
What our school councilors have said:
"The reason I wanted to be a school councillor is to make our school better and make decisions, plus it's fun".
"I wanted to be on school council because I always wanted to support children and children abroad. I also want to help loads of people and explain things and share my personal thoughts".
"I wanted to become a school councilor because I want to help get better things for our school like classroom equipment and playground equipment."
"I wanted to be a school councillor because if I'm walking about at the shops with my uniform on, behaving well people would say "They are from Brookdale Primary, that looks a good school"
School Council Pledge
I will be the best school councillor I can be by...
Being a good listener when other children tell me their ideas or problems
Telling the Council something on behalf of someone else
Sharing my good ideas and making suggestions
Helping to make our school a safe and happy place
Reporting back to the children in my class so that they know what we talked about in our meetings
Sharing our work with teachers, governors and parents
Being an amazing representative of our school and always demonstrating our school values
Our School Council Mission is displayed around school